A sparkling conversation arose one morning due to a white-wool cardigan. Perfect in shape, size and cleanliness, yet undesired on this fall morning by this little girl.
Her mama made her wear it anyway.
The inconvenience of the white-wool cardigan turned into all sorts of godless outbursts.
Tossing it to the side was not the answer. Easier, but not more beneficial.
We count calories, carbs, and the steps we walk… why not count our graces too?
So, counting graces they did.
The grace of peace in the home.
The grace of seeing. All are born with eyes, but not all with sight.
The grace of life, when on the verge of a deadly accident.
The grace of freedom: to own a Bible, to worship with other believers.
The grace of not doing life alone: family and friends.
The grace of shelter, food, health… perfect, or imperfect.
The grace of memories, to bring comfort.
The grace of looking in hindsight to thank Jesus for the manger and the cross.
The grace of the white-wool cardigan to teach us a lesson of grace.
Like a chorus after each verse, I would like to remind myself today “You got it good, girl.” As I saw it written on a t-shirt “I am too blessed to be stressed.” Let’s count not just steps and calories, but also our graces.
As other ‘cardigans’ will come my way
Inconveniencing me throughout today
Remind me Jesus of your grace-filled day
Have the run of my heart and mind, I pray.
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians 3:15