Three Truths And No Lie

Father, I am no Mona Lisa da Vinci would canvas. I am no Jeanne d’Arc to bravely risk my life. And I am no Pollyanna to move a town with the Gladness Game.

Most days I feel like a rough Peter, a pessimistic Mara, an unworthy Mary, a stubborn Jonah, and a short Zacchaeus.

Yet, somehow it’s not about how I feel, it’s about how you, my Maker, made me. How you chose to crochet me into my mama’s womb; with my own personality, physique, abilities, strengths and PURPOSE.

You whisperingly remind me these three important truths …  

I am wonderfully made 

I forget that. And the fool in me starts comparing herself to those ‘out of my league’, stealing thousands of opportunities for joy. We’re all ‘out of your league’, yet you embrace me as I am.

While I waste my time focusing on my imperfections, you remind me to leverage the unique ways you’ve equipped me to bless others. And that includes my pain,  my weakness, even my imperfections.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2: 10

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139: 14

I am amazingly loved. 

The amount of sin you daily forgive. The amount of grace I constantly receive. Oh, the countless privileges I take for granted …

Thank you for my sight even when I have to squint my eyes in front of a scorching sun.

Thank you for the ability to speak even when others hush my lips in silence.

Thank you for feet that can walk as my errands run me weary.

Thank you for the freedom to worship day and night, even if at times I struggle coming before you with a worshipful attitude.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! …  1 John 3: 1a

I am daily chiseled.

Daily chiseled into your likeness, Father. I often tell you in my prayers, ‘Make me gentle just like you.’ Or I blurt out singing,  ‘You can have it all Lord’…

Yet I’m scared that you’ll actually hear my words addressed to you, and you’ll bring opportunities of growth.

Growth invites pain. And pain scares me dearly. Then I funnel my requests from ‘Make me. Mould me.” to ‘Give me. Give me.’ 

Father, help me not to live dreading the ways you’ll choose to chip away my imperfections in the days to come. Teach me to love you back without fear.  Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.  1 John 4: 18

Father, may I wake up to the joy that I am carefully crocheted by you with PURPOSE. With the purpose to shine a spark of your glory!

I am wonderfully made in your image. For your glory.

I am amazingly loved through your blood shed. For your glory.

I am daily chiseled into your likeness. For your glory.

May I trust your truths, and not the devil’s lies. Amen!

Posted in Articles.