Have you ever being a bridesmaid and never a bride, or a groomsman and never a groom? Being married is a status majority of people prefer. Singleness is chosen by a few, yet experienced by so many.Continue reading
Tag Archives: marriage
Letter From Juliette
Most little girls dream of that one day when they can wear the princess-looking stunning bridal dress. So many years of collecting high expectations for that one day. By the time we hit teenage years, the list goes higher than the Tower of Babel. We have it all figured out: the dress, the age, the setting, the looks, the menu, the guest list, the decorations… even the gifts. Continue reading
Live, LOVE, Laugh Without Regrets- II

“… let us love one another, for love comes from God… ” 1 John 4:7 Several years ago, there was a young boy who struggled with resentment toward his father. One day, he attended a funeral. The deceased was his friend’s father.Continue reading