Seasons Of Life


“The only one who loves change is a wet baby” Mark Twain once wisely said. I kind of identify with the sentiments. I find beauty within the change of the four seasons that God creatively made, but I fret it in my own life. 

I’m a creature of habit. My husband compares my life to a snow-globe. With time, I’ve managed to arrange all the flakes in it by size, shade, or sparkle. And they are not to be disturbed, if I could have it my way.

God, though, allows circumstances in my life to shake and shift those flakes around from season to season. The expectations of what parenting is all about has been shaken. The family health is bounced around. Our transient friendships have been rattled. Even our waistline has shifted at different seasons. 

There are seasons we want to keep forever. And there are those we’d like to discard so quickly.

Value Its Benefits

Seasons of life enrich us. Difficult seasons just like the flourishing ones only add to our story. They steal nothing from us. They perfect us. They tweak our identity in Christ only to make it stronger. 

Seasons of life are unique to each one of us like our thumb print. Don’t compare yourself to others. Count your own blessings, not someone else’s. It’s the smart move. It’ll cheer you up more than doing the opposite.

Seasons of life mature us as years swoosh faster than we’re ready to accept. Youth is beauty of the body, age is beauty of the mind. God values the grey hairs of wisdom. Only then you can teach new generations from a unique vantage point.

A season of life is temporaryEach season has a starting point, a period of duration, and a finish line. We get shocked by the starting point, we wrestle through the period of duration, we ought to rest in the hope that this shall pass as well. 


Seasons of life are to make us grateful.  My flakes were not mine in the first place. Those are gifs of God to be enjoyed at specific times. We only appreciate something great in our life when we no longer have it.

Beauties of the season prior to kids: a midnight run-to-the-store, a spontaneous outing, a slower-fill-up of hampers ….

Beauties of the health-crisis season: a smaller waistline, God-filled energy, new friendships within the medical circle, witnessing from a heart in trial, growing in faith (still no stature…)

Beauties of now: little feet thumping through the house, jumping on a trampoline, picnicking in the middle of our living room, getting lost in the readings of Narnia, writing from little inspirations.

Yes. I’ve always dreaded change, possibly even as a wet baby. Oh, but how much it has enriched my life. It helped me grow in ways I didn’t even know I needed to.

Dancing as if through a flower field, or trudging like a rhino waistline-deep-in-mud, His grace never lacked.  Not too much, not too little. Just enough.

Meditate & Memorize: 2Corinthians 4:16-18

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

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