Sin clings to me like cat hair.
Someone, who loves me second after Jesus, challenged me recently about my drippy-faucet attitude and more. It hurts to hear that I’m not as righteous as I imagined it. But, oh how I cherish the challenge to grow in godliness. (Don’t get me wrong. I cherished it the following day… or after the shock and awe effect was over that ‘I am not perfect.’)
As I attempt to string the words below, their purpose is not to point fingers, to compare, to make us feel worse than we already do, or to discourage us. They are intended as a heart-to-heart conversation.
It’s risky to be blunt. It’s not even popular.
Comfort. A blessing, or a bate? Today, I no longer…
I no longer attend church every Sunday. I get better fed spiritually online.
I no longer am discerning with what I watch. I am desensitised to naked people, and cuss words.
I no longer share the Gospel at work. I live my faith. Bonus, I even listen to Christian music.
I no longer see the good in people. I am so righteous compared to the rest.
I no longer pray before lunch at work, or at a restaurant. I need to be inclusive.
I no longer speak up on things I stand on. I am vocal at church.
I no longer confront sin. It’s rude.
I no longer know if he’s a she, and she’s a he. I don’t want to end up in the papers.
I no longer have an attitude of gratitude. I have reasons to be a grumbler.
I no longer see intimacy before marriage as a problem. It’s normal.
I no longer carry my chunky Bible to church. My chiropractor would frown upon it.
I no longer am patient with others. It’s my hormones. Or, lack of them.
I no longer care if porn is part of my life. I am single. It’s my only vice.
I no longer like to call sin, sin… unless I go to jail for it.
I no longer keep track of wasted time on video games, or social media. I have to decompress.
I no longer attend Bible Studies. It’s covid.
My fellow Christian, if we carry Christ’s last name… we ought to act like it, or change the name. The Bible says I NO LONGER AM SLAVE TO SIN. We must not give sin a vote in the way we conduct our lives.
Please take time to read and re-read slowly Romans 6:12-14. Soak in its truth. If a cucumber stuck in the pickle juice doesn’t come out as a pickle… it stayed too little in the jar and it didn’t marinate. Allow your mind and soul to marinate in God’s truth, it will surely bring about godly change.
“Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.”
Romans 6:12-14 NLT