The phone rang. It read Aurelia. I was glad she beat me to it this time. I was intending to call her and let her know on Tuesday I’m stopping by.
Aurelia is my closest friend from college. I love her much. She is more ‘wisdomous’ than me, and gets my dry humour.
We often talk about God, but I’m still not sure where she’s at spiritually. Hence my urge to see her next week. Her cancer treatment she recently had was not an immediate threat, but you just never know.
As I reached for the phone my mind had it all planned out. I’ll greet her in French, as we often do. We’ll crack some jokes. Then she’ll ask me about my health, my kids, and then we’ll talk about her health, and her nieces; since she had never married.
So, here I answer in my petty French “Ma cherie!!!”
It wasn’t like her to not instantly reply “Natalie!” in her French.
Today her voice was strangely different.
Why wouldn’t it be?
I was talking to her sister. For the first time.
“Is this Naty?” She asked.
Bewildered I say ‘Yes.”
Then she pulls the band-aid fast and painful. “I’m sorry, but my sister passed yesterday. It was a blood clot to the brain. It was sudden.”
The dampness in my eyes is fogging up my vision as I write. I could use some windshield wipers to swoosh my tears; those ‘tiny messengers’ of pain. Even hours later, I can’t get rid of the lump in my throat, and the ache in my guts not knowing if right now she’s greeting the saints of heaven I long to meet. Or not.
When I had finally decided to stop from my rat-race and pay her a visit, it was too late. When someone is a little bit dead, it’s always a bit too late. Too late: to clearly explain the Gospel; to show genuine care; to create memories; to avoid any regrets.
Is there anything you are postponing today?
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 NLT