Have you ever being a bridesmaid and never a bride, or a groomsman and never a groom? Being married is a status majority of people prefer. Singleness is chosen by a few, yet experienced by so many.Continue reading
Category Archives: Articles
Wait Well In Your Pain
Why do we struggle so much in the waiting? Continue reading
Season Of Life- Embrace It
As a ‘comfort-zoner’, if my life were a guitar, I would only allow God to play a three-simple-chord song on me, while missing out on all the painfully beautiful opportunities.Continue reading
Seasons Of Life- Evaluate And Edit
Several days in a row I caught myself applying the definition of insanity while indulging myself in cravings that kept on making me sick. I continued the routine until I scolded myself for doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.Continue reading
Season Of Life- Recognize It
Write from your struggle, not from your strength, the constant message I hear from the COMPEL training I’m going through at the moment to get better equipped in my writing skills. Continue reading
Seasons Of Life
“The only one who loves change is a wet baby” Mark Twain once wisely said. I kind of identify with the sentiments. I find beauty within the change of the four seasons that God creatively made, but I fret it in my own life. Continue reading
Mission Possible!
I was holding my daughter’s hand. We were sprinting homeward from the post-office like two gazelles, hoping to avoid the possible shower from the grumpy clouds above.Continue reading
Matchy- Matchy Expectations
Getting familiar with my heart
At the question “Daddy, can we watch a movie on Sunday?” this is the unexpected reply our oldest gets: “Let’s make sure our obedience matches our request sweetheart. And we’ll see.”Continue reading
The Ouch, Oops, and Oh No Of Prayer
Throughout the day, most of us have a lot to say. Among all the words we use only a small number represent meaningful conversation. If we were to write them all down on a paper, how many pages would reflect the words we exchange with God daily? Continue reading