“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” Romans 14:19 NIV
Continue reading“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” Romans 14:19 NIV
Continue reading“My life’s hanging on by duct tape and happy thoughts” someone said the other day.
Continue readingMy youngest got off the treadmill, our pretend yard, and blurted out “Mommy, I love how the new song on the books of the bible ends.” And melodiously shared her discovery ‘There are 66 books in the bible, and o-n-e STORY.’ “
Continue readingFour sinners, four walls, four weeks (or more) of forced bonding. It’s bound that one of us is going to do time-out. Mama first, then the kiddos.
Continue readingThe swooshing of the laundry is my morning jazz, and the cold blueberry oats are my egg-and-bacon. That’s been my new normal since I’ve become a mom. Now, with the coronavirus shutdown, I have a brand new normal to adjust to. And so do you.
Continue readingChurch buildings may be closed, but worship in not on lockdown. What if we turned this global fright into personal delight with Jesus?
Continue readingCoronavirus is like the-new-kid-on-the-block. Some give it a lot of attention, others do not.
Continue readingMy oldest kid thinks I’m ancient. She asked me today if bikes were invented when I was a child, and if my older brothers and I all clumped together in one room for school, just like Anne of Green Gables. Next thing I know, she’s gonna ask me if I met Adam and Eve.
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