One day, one of our girls started correcting her sister saying “Stop it. Stop it right now.” The tone of voice and the vocabulary sounded way too familiar, until it dawned on me that she was mirroring what I would say to them when those moments come in parenting where the only thing left in you is to say “STOP IT!”
Category Archives: Articles
Living For The Audience Of One
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances…” beautifully said by Shakespeare in As You Like It.
Life truly feels like a stage. God is the theatre director. We are the players. We enter it when we’re born and we exit it when God ordains it. More than that, I am reminded that we’re daily performing on a stage because we all have an audience. Continue reading
How Did Jesus Treat An Extrovert?
Jonah, The STUBBORN HEART that says: ‘I am a control freak. I only trust my way of doing things. If God wants to teach me, He’d better be creative in getting my attention, because I don’t give up easily.’ Continue reading
Letter From Juliette
Most little girls dream of that one day when they can wear the princess-looking stunning bridal dress. So many years of collecting high expectations for that one day. By the time we hit teenage years, the list goes higher than the Tower of Babel. We have it all figured out: the dress, the age, the setting, the looks, the menu, the guest list, the decorations… even the gifts. Continue reading
Beauty And The Beast
Love, love, love. Hearts, hearts, hearts. It’s the month of love, people say. Christmas is already history. Valentine’s is here.
Flirting With Temptation
Learning is part of our natural way of growing. If we want to grow, we’d better cherish each learning opportunity.Continue reading
How To Respond When Local News Becomes International Headlines?

Source: Alexandru Hariga
“US sanctions Iran after missile test”, “Shooting incident at Louvre in Paris”, “Zimbabwe protest pastor to remain in jail, judge decides.”, “Will China step up as global leader?”Continue reading
What’s Your Learning Style?- part I
I enjoy learning lessons, practical lessons of life. God gives me so many opportunities to do so. But, I prefer learning lessons the easy way. I’m willing to glean bits of wisdom even from a shallow activity like watching a show, or a movie. I’m even willing to go the extra mile, so I will learn principles I could apply even from someone else’s life. It’s less complicated!Continue reading
Why We Don’t Reach Our Full Potential – Isaiah 1
I love reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I just passed- Ecclesiastes where all is ‘meaningless’. Slightly depressing, but challenging. Went quickly through Song of Songs, the opposite of the preceding book. Lots of passion within a holy context.Continue reading
Live, Love, LAUGH Without Regrets- III
‘A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.‘ Proverbs 17:22 ESV