When The Drained Teabag Can’t Sing

As I’m fiddling with my words in trying to come up with the perfect introduction to my article in a way that it would impress you, (to grab your attention to read it top to bottom) I’m at a conference.  Over 200 women, from over 25-30 nations meeting near Amsterdam united in Christ, and being fed by God through Jill Briscoe as the speaker (inspirational speaker).Continue reading

The Drained-Teabag Syndrome

I grew up in Moldova. After the walls of “Soviet Jericho” came down we had lots of foreigners passing through our home. As we often enjoyed the company of Englishmen, they knew better than to travel without tea in former USSR. English people take their tea time seriously. Moldovans take their tea bags seriously. Continue reading

The Paschal Lamb Welcomed Home Before Slaughter

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

There are so many ways to categorize people. Some do it based on personality: introvert, extrovert, ambivert; others base it on weight: slim, slightly-overweight, obese. But, there’s another category: the either you love them, or you hate them category. And, Jesus fit into that one. People either loved him, and were willing to follow Him, or they hated him with all their guts.Continue reading

Understand The Background Of The Passion Week

In getting my mind ready for Easter, the greatest moment in history, I was a tad curious on how Jesus was busy a few days before He had to suffer for the humanity. Ok, I confess, maybe I was more than just a tad curious. I took out my study Bible, a few of my husband’s commentaries, dictionaries of the Bible, and opened up various translations of the Bible (stumbled upon Hebrew Names Version Bible too). Continue reading