An Unattractive Package

A week ago, at our home group bible study we had our Christmas party. Among all the fun we had, we also played the White Elephant game. Basically, each person brought a wrapped gift without a name on it. Then, one by one we picked one of the gifts that most captured our attention. (There’s more to the game, but it’s not the point of the story.) Continue reading

Out Of The Stable

Back in the day, the gender of the baby used to be a surprise till the day of birth. Since no angel announced my brothers’ arrival to my parents, my dad strongly believed that his first born would be a little baby girl called Natasha (which is Naty in Russian). Since Vali was funny and curly, he was a keeper. Continue reading

Mary Had A Little Lamb

When you dream of being a parent, you never envision yourself having the following sentences leave your mouth: “Sweetheart don’t bite the table”, “Honey stop brushing your nose with your toothbrush”, “No honey, you can’t play hide-and-seek in the fridge, you’re a touch bigger than a carrot”, “Sweetheart, put mommy down! ” (I literally had to say each one of these.) Continue reading