About ten years ago, my husband and I stumbled upon a Christmas shop near Colonial Williamsburg on a hot summer day. A dangerous place for any husband to take their wife.
Continue readingAbout ten years ago, my husband and I stumbled upon a Christmas shop near Colonial Williamsburg on a hot summer day. A dangerous place for any husband to take their wife.
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Am I a mood-killer if I say, “We’re so trapped in this Christmas rat-race that it hijacks the joy of Christmas”?
Continue readingI have a soft spot for reading the Bible from cover to cover. Once I hit Revelations, I automatically bounce back to Genesis.
Continue readingI’m not good at finishing movies. Here’s as far as I got with one of them…
Continue readingOne day I shared my testimony with Diana, a stranger sitting next to me in the airplane. She claimed to be an atheist. Then she attributed all my suffering to my attracting negative energy around me. … I don’t see problems as bad luck, a punishment from the Almighty. Otherwise, apostle Paul really hit the jackpot of bad luck (persecuted, suffered hunger, cold, shipwrecked, jailed, loneliness, no marriage… ) Yet, he says in Romans 5: 3 “we glory in our suffering”.
Continue readingProfetul Ilie are o mare valoare în Vechiul și Noul Testament. Mulți ziceau că Isus era Ilie. Iar Iacov, fratele lui Isus, îl dă drept model de om al rugăciunii când spune “Mare putere are rugăciunea fierbinte a celui neprihăn.” Iacov 5:16 (Cornilescu)
Continue readingIf ever a man had the reason to be stripped of joy, it was Andrei on a Friday when most working men and women sigh with relief “It’s the weekend again!”.
Continue readingPhotos by Grace Photography
Mina and Bella were 5 and 7 when they came into our lives. And they sure made an entrance! Overnight our life turned from a 10-year honeymoon into a family dramedy (drama and comedy)!
Continue readingMina și Bella aveau 5 și 7 ani când au venit în căsuța noastră. Peste noapte viața noastră s-a schimbat de la o lună de miere de 10 ani într-o “dramedie” (dramă și comdedie).
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