Surely you can’t schedule joy just because Nat King Cole sings ” ‘Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la”.Continue reading
Lessons From The Stable, By Sandy Chadwick
What is your favorite part of the Christmas story? Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus, the angels, the wise men or perhaps the Shepherds?Continue reading
When Joy Doesn’t Come Natural On The ‘Season Of Jolliness’
Our oldest daughter calls Christmas, ‘the season of jolliness’.Continue reading
Christmas In Motion
As I clicked on Christmas instrumental, the title of the next song steadily rolled to the left of the box reading ‘Still, Still, Still’. That’s exactly the opposite of how I unfold the days prior to Christmas.
The Rumour Is True
‘Why celebrate Christmas if it’s not mentioned in the Bible?’ I spotted the question in a thread of comments underneath a sermon on Jesus’ birth.Continue reading
Hanukkah, By Ephraim Jed Malespin
Hanukkah, From A Jew Who Believes In Jesus As The Jewish Messiah.
Thanksgiving Laments
The other night my family attended the Scottish Caledonian Ball. Although my family cleaned up well for the occasion, I still felt a bit like Cinderella as we rubbed shoulders with dignitaries, and people out of my league. Also, because we rushed out of the party before the clock struck midnight avoiding our kids turning into pumpkins.Continue reading
The Gift Of A Life Interrupted
Ella in Ella The Enchanted got the gift of obedience. My Bella and Mina got the gift of interrupting.Continue reading
Letting Go Of The Rim
I have an uncontrollable desire to be in control.Continue reading
The Color Of The Carpet
How can we allure others to Christ when difference of opinions arise among believers? Continue reading