What would you tell someone who lost their father at an early age, was sexually abused, then saw the oldest brother literally lose his mind because of the burden placed at the age of 17 to care for his six siblings and his widowed mother? How would you encourage that same person knowing that these were just raindrops before the soon-coming life storm?
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A Kid’s Prayer For Adults
Each morning, before I take the girls to school we read the Bible, we review memory verses, and we pray. (To put your mind to ease, we also brush our teeth.) One day Bella, our youngest, had a short and simple prayer “Dear Jesus, please help the adults today to be well and obey. Amen!” Continue reading
A Sink To Toss A Toothbrush In
As I mentioned last time, these are lessons learned on Sunday, Mother’s Day. My second hiccup happened right before tucking the munchkins in bed. I asked the girls to brush their teeth. Well, some disobedience followed because of mommy’s crazy request. A toothbrush flew angrily in the sink, and toothpaste splish-splashed in various places.Continue reading
Ruffled Feathers On Mother’s Day
Hiccup # 1
Sunday was Mother’s Day. It was perfect, except for a couple of hiccups. Today I’ll share the first one. For Mother’s Day my husband decided to make me feel special. After enjoying a lavishing breakfast in bed, my amazing husband surprised me with a home-made voucher to have lunch and flowers of my own choosing. Continue reading
Drained Teabags, Good For Facial
A friend made this comment on Facebook to my first article on the topic of the Drained Teabag Syndrome: ‘Drained teabags are good for facial’. Slow thinker as I am, it stuck with me. And I started chewing on that thought like teenagers chew gum in church (not judging, I do too). Continue reading
Hanging Out At The Equator
We get the Drained Teabag syndrome because we feel the pressure to deal with our responsibilities perfectly, without fault, blame, or shame by wearing the hat of a secretary, cook, house manager, fashion adviser, shop assistant, therapist, doctor, teacher, chauffeur, baker, entertainer, referee. You name it. Continue reading
When The Drained Teabag Can’t Sing
As I’m fiddling with my words in trying to come up with the perfect introduction to my article in a way that it would impress you, (to grab your attention to read it top to bottom) I’m at a conference. Over 200 women, from over 25-30 nations meeting near Amsterdam united in Christ, and being fed by God through Jill Briscoe as the speaker (inspirational speaker).Continue reading
The Drained-Teabag Syndrome
I grew up in Moldova. After the walls of “Soviet Jericho” came down we had lots of foreigners passing through our home. As we often enjoyed the company of Englishmen, they knew better than to travel without tea in former USSR. English people take their tea time seriously. Moldovans take their tea bags seriously. Continue reading
Get In The Mood To Do A Happy Dance!
It’s Sunday morning. Our girls are sitting at their little pink table for breakfast. To their side, is our fridge full of magnets collected from various countries we traveled to. This is their short and deep conversation.
Nothing Good Happens At Midnight – A Short And Tense Trial
Few months ago, there was an uprise in Romania over a law the government had passed. Some people didn’t agree with the content of the law. Others didn’t mind the law, but were deeply troubled with the fact that it was passed quickly and at night.Continue reading