I read that verse multiple times still having no clue what it was about. The flashing ads of my online bible were stealing my focus, sliding my eyes to the left. Silly ad, it had grabbed my attention.
If technology is smart enough to slide my attention, how much more does the devil know how to best steal my focus from the Lord?
A preacher said once “My greatest ability is my worst enemy.” So true. Whatever unique gifting God has placed in our life can be used for God’s glory, or for ours. When our eyes slide to the left from Jesus, our strengths turn into weaknesses. It’s like turning wine into water. Sin dilutes our greatest abilities.
This explains how some recent pastors, gifted teachers of the Bible, even musicians fell deep into the trap of pride and fame renouncing faith, following their hearts instead of God’s.
As my mother-in-law told me not long ago “The higher you are, the greater the fall.” The Scriptures are not silent on this matter either : “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! ” 1 Corinthians 10:12
“Don’t let fame get to your head. And don’t let discouragement get to your heart.”
Let’s be watchful of sin that can sweep in the strongest areas of our life. Let’s click the ‘x’ on the boxes that steal our focus from Jesus before it’s too late. Sin dilutes our strengths, and turns them into weaknesses.